Students and Teachers Taken from Cameroon Schools

Cameroon has been experiencing multiple cases of kidnappings all over the country. Recently, at least 70 people, including teachers and students, were abducted in the Bamenda, the North-West region capital of Cameroon. The students ranged from ages 10-14.

The kidnapping was committed by the separate militia group named Amba boys. The word Amba is the shorthand for Ambazonia, the new country the group wants to form. The group began to surface in the year 2017. They began boycotting Cameroon schools this year and instead of ordering a ransom, they demanded the closing of the schools. The Cameroon schools rely on majority French speaking teachers and workers. The militia’s reason for protesting the schools was that they suppress the English speaking system that multiple regions of Cameroon use.

A video of the hostages was recently uploaded on social media. The hostages are visibly crammed in a room and confused. However, none of the people appeared to be seriously injured. The students and teachers were shown being forced to say their name and the phrase, “I was taken from the school last night by the Amba boys. I don't know where I am.”

Similarly, a separate kidnapping occurred involving another separatist group. Five students were taken. Their locations are still unknown.

By Jada Ryce