Stacey Abrams Won't Give Up On A Better Georgia

Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for Georgia’s governor, acknowledged Brian Kemp will be taking office as the governor of Georgia. If Stacey had won, she would have been the first African American woman governor in the country.

Stacey’s campaign worked tirelessly to ensure every voter had their voice represented throughout the election. To help, she blasted the voter protection hotline on her various social media platforms. While Stacey was aiming for voter protection, Brian Kemp served as Secretary of State where he was in charge of voting. Georgia made national news repeatedly for Kemp controlling the votes while running for governor. This prompted a national outcry demanding Kemp step down from Secretary of State while running for political office.

Kemp was victorious in the end, but Stacey did not go down without a fight. Following the election, she and her team spent more than a week attempting to correct the injustices in the elections. Stacey encouraged her supporters to ensure their votes were counted as many absentee ballots were rejected.

Stacey ended her campaign on November 16th in a speech to her supporters at her Atlanta headquarters. She made it explicitly clear her speech was not a concession but an acknowledgement. Her many supporters at the headquarters heard her say, "So let's be clear -- this is not a speech of concession, because concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true or proper. As a woman of conscience and faith, I cannot concede that. But, my assessment is the law currently allows no further viable remedy.”

Stacey considered continuing to fight for the title of Governor but decided not to. She said, “Now, I can certainly bring a new case to keep this one contest alive, but I don't want to hold public office if I need to scheme my way into the post.” While she chose not to fight for her right to Governor, she announced a “major federal lawsuit against the state of Georgia for the gross mismanagement of this election and to protect future elections from unconstitutional actions."

Stacey included multiple nods towards Kemp and his inadequacies in his speech. She said Kemp made the election process a “gut-wrenching hardship” for many in Georgia. Abrams was not afraid to make sharp claims by saying “under the watch of the now former Secretary of State, democracy failed Georgia. Make no mistake, the former Secretary of State was deliberate and intentional in his actions.”

Kemp responded to Stacey’s speech by saying, “I appreciate her passion, hard work, and commitment to public service.” He also shared that “we can no longer dwell on the divisive politics of the past but must focus on Georgia’s bright and promising future.”

Abrams made it clear the political swarm was not over as she announced the new voting rights group, Fair Fight Georgia. Before her announcement, a digital ad campaign asked voters to share their stories of trouble at the polls. Stacey Abrams is ready for the fight to ensure every Georgian’s vote is represented.