President Zelensky & the Art of Leadership in War Times

The invasion of Ukraine has displaced millions, including over four million who left the country in a matter of only one month. It overturned livelihoods and priorities in exchange for a demand for peace and safety. Acts of bravery allow Ukraine to persist, from civilians staying to fight for their country to the relentless President Volodymyr Zelensky. Rather than leaving to ensure his safety, the president remains in Ukraine and continues his work through discussions with other leaders, including Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan (as he updates on Twitter) and the United States congress in order to seek help for Ukrainians and their fight against the Russians. Russia even tried to convince people that Zelensky fled Ukraine after the fighting commenced, which was only disproved when the president filmed himself in central Kyiv. Zelensky symbolizes the difficulty of staying calm and orderly when everyone is watching your next move, stuck in a place of violence, destruction, and change. 

It is said that the United States suggested helping Zelensky move out of the country, but the leader declined, preferring to stay. At times, he called out nations for not helping or supplying Ukraine with enough military equipment in government video conferences as well. His natural leadership can be accredited to his fluency in Ukrainian, English, and Russian, and a law degree from Kyiv National Economic University, with a background in theater as a comedian and actor that gives Zelensky his uplifting aura. In the president’s address to NATO leaders, he proclaimed that “We just want to save our people, to survive, just to survive.” Now Volodymyr Zelensky not only stands in the difficult position of running a country, but also in keeping Ukraine’s memory, stability, and people alive as Russia devastates the nation. From the moment he was elected in 2019 by a landslide of 73% of the vote, he understood his mission was to lead both in times of prosperity and hardship. Zelensky’s loyalty and empathy towards his country is unwavering, a contrast to his adversary’s autocratic rule, for the increasing amount of support for the president attends to his genuine character and brave stance on what it means to be a leader.

By Katie Leslie