Deep Listening


Have you ever really listened to music? What I mean by this is pause everything else around you. Stop working, move your phone to another room, and just play an album. I recently read a very intriguing article about deep listening. In the article, there are three albums that they suggest are the best for this type of listening.

This type of listening is like meditation in many ways. It lets you connect to the music in ways you might not have before. Meditation clears your mind and lets you focus on one thing in particular. It resolves some stress. Maybe after online school, give your brain a break. Put on a new album or your favorite album and listen to it all the way through with no interruptions. 

While listening, connect to the lyrics, or the beat of the song more in-depth. See, we usually don’t actually listen to music. We listen to it while doing other things. According to journalist Randall Roberts, “Musicians spend years making their albums. They struggle over syllables, melodies, bridges, and rhythms.” Because of this, they deserve our undivided attention.

Recently, I experimented with this meditative way of listening to music and it was brilliant. I laid on the floor after a long and tiring day of online school, zoom classes, and switching positions in my chair because my back was aching. I experienced the music washing over me. I realized that I paid more attention to the lyrics than the instruments or the beat of the song. After I did one album, I decided to see if I could sit through two. To my surprise I did. Here’s some information about the albums that captivated me and fascinated me to the extent that I was able to listen and sit still. 

Wallows are a great band. I started with this album to listen too first because I listen to it all the time, but I wondered if it would be different by listening to it in this way. It was. I hung onto the lyrics much more. This album’s varying vibes  makes it even more interesting to hear. Wallows are an indie-rock band, so if you are into the genre, this is the perfect album for you to start with for your deep listening. 

Hopefully, when you see this album cover you know who it is. Or at least one of their songs, Seven Nation Army. The White Stripes are a rock duo. Elephant is their fourth album. The theme of this particular album is, “death of a sweetheart.” Each song offers a new sound and is almost completely different than the one before. They also both agreed to refrain from using computers during this album’s recording, producing, and writing.