Metamorphoses: Full of Senior Starpower

I’ve been at Galloway for my whole highschool career, and I have yet to miss a theater production. I’ve seen every fall, winter, and spring show since 2016. And the Galloway Theatre Company has yet to disappoint.

Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” was no exception. I cannot lie to you, dear reader, I was not originally thrilled about the script choice for the fall show this year. That has nothing to do with the theatre company; I’m just really terrible with English written more than a century ago. But I was pleasantly surprised that the dialogue was easily comprehensible.

I was especially fond of the seniors’ performance. I didn’t know that so many of my classmates were in the play, and I was thrilled to realize that the senior class has so much starpower. Emma Hilleary’s monologue as Alcyone brought me to tears. Her and Isak Wall were birds of a feather in their outstanding performances. Isak as Vertumnus made me laugh until I cried. Patterson Houlihan’s captivating portrayal of Aphrodite was lovely. And Josie Palisoc’s empowering monologue as Eurydice was to die for. Her fiance, Orpheus (as portrayed by Dylan Danckert), was just as blindingly poignant. Ari Isenberg was on fire as Phaeton! Sophie Pike’s take on Hermes was stellar, and Max Gravier’s version of the town drunk had me rolling. Revell McCracken’s Poseidon went swimmingly.

And of course, this play couldn’t have gone as well as it did without the hard work of tech crew. Sophie Kieffer did a wonderful job designing the costumes for the show. The beautiful set was designed and constructed by Benjamin Colton, Catherine Carson, and Ethan Mitchell.

“Metamorphoses” ranks high on the list of Galloway shows I’ve seen. It’s been my favorite fall show of the past four years. I’m beyond excited to see the Galloway Theatre Company’s adaptation of Pippin’ this spring!