Applesauce: The Only Snack That Matters


After a long school day of rigorous tests, life-depending meetings, challenging homework, exhausting activities, and barely making it through without collapsing of sleep deprivation, there is one snack that just could not be more appealing. Not only is it delicious and full of flavor, but it’s small enough to just perfectly hit the spot. This snack is the one and only applesauce. Please hear me out.

Applesauce is the perfect addition to any meal at just about any time of the day. Missing an artificial fruit product on your breakfast plate? Add applesauce. Feeling unfulfilled after a light lunch? Applesauce will do the trick. Running late and need a quick snack? Grab an AppleApple GoGo Squeez. And, as previously mentioned, after a long day, applesauce is just indescribably satisfying.

However, some of my opponents, meaning fellow journalists, have argued that the texture of the sauce is uncomfortable and a general turn off. This is a reasonable argument but mostly false. In a way, the texture of applesauce is the very thing that makes it desirable. There is something so nostalgic about eating it that really brings one back to a much simpler time: the baby food days.

Another great aspect about applesauce is that it falsely makes one think that they’re actually eating something healthy.  Although the nutritional value of applesauce could not be farther from that of a real apple (8 grams of sugar vs. 36), there’s something rewarding about choosing applesauce over a bag of chips, as though you have made the healthier choice. 

You may disagree with me, and there may be validity in that. However, do yourself a favor. Travel back to your childhood, and grab a six-pack of Mott’s Applesauce the next time you’re at the grocery store. You just might be surprised.

By Annie Levy

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