They Did Surgery on a Grape

Many believed it could never be done, but after a recent breakthrough, humankind has finally achieved the impossible.

They did surgery on a grape.

Centuries of scientific research and countless failed attempts later, a team of over 600 highly-skilled surgeons and grape specialists at Eastern Gateway Community College made history by completing the first successful operation on a grape. Lasting just under 29 hours and costing $45 million in resources, the surgery was a massive risk for everyone involved as the future of grape surgery research was entirely dependent on its outcome. Since the events of the procedure, authentic footage from the operating room (as pictured above) has surfaced, taking the media and the internet by storm.

We should all take this as an opportunity to reflect on the incredible power of technology and the complex and rapid development of the world around us. Just a few years ago, performing this kind of surgery on a grape seemed like a distant pipe dream, but for the innovators of our generation, this was a motivation rather than an obstacle. In an ever-changing society based on the foundation of technological advancement, each new development has offered a unique and indispensable potential, slowly bridging the gap between our dreams and our reality. It just goes to show that with enough passion, determination, and brainpower, we can truly push the limits of what we are capable of.

To say that this procedure is one of the most revolutionary technological milestones of human history would be an understatement. This is the single moment all of existence has been leading up to.

Simply put, they did surgery on a grape.

By Jaden Ellman