9-Year-Old Boy Overturns Ban on Snowball Fights, Guaranteeing Plenty of Fun For This Snowy Winter

Have you ever overturned a law? While the majority of us have not had the chance to do something as memorable as changing legislature in our lifetimes, Dane Best, a 9-year-old boy living in Severance, Colorado, has. For nearly a century, this small, snow covered town in northern Colorado has banned snowball fights, but with the ambition and passion of one little boy, it was overturned.

According to his mother, Brooke Best, Dane had not stopped talking about snowballs since he became aware a month and a half ago that it was illegal to throw them inside town boundaries. He was not the only one who was surprised by this news, as Kyle Rietkerk, assistant to the Severance town administrator, said that the children of Severance were often disappointed by the ban on snowball fights. Rietkerk also explained that the rule was enacted as part of a larger ordinance that made it unlawful to throw or shoot stones or missiles at people, animals, buildings, trees, or any other public or private property.

However, town leaders have always encouraged kids to exercise their power as a citizen of Severance and change the law, but no child has ever tried. On December 3rd, an audience of children and their parents witnessed Dane Best take on this challenge with a three minute presentation before town council that was supplemented by his classmates’ letters in support of overturning the ban. In his speech, Best asserted that “the children of Severance want the opportunity to have a snowball fight like the rest of the world.” Thanks to Dane, his 4-year-old brother Dax along with the other children of Severance, Colorado will be able to grow up with memories of thrilling and joyful snowball fights.

By Rose Sanders