It's a Car! It's a House! Nope, it's a Cow.

That’s right. There’s a cow out in the world that is 6 feet 4 inches tall. Knickers, the overnight sensation, is a 7-year old Holstein that towers over his fellow herd mates. Pictures of Knickers grazing with his siblings went viral because of the shocking difference between them.

However, Knickers isn’t the result of some absurd mutation. He is actually a normal sized cow for his age. The reason his appearance is so shocking is because cows don’t usually live long enough to get to this size. Cows are slaughtered before they get the chance to grow up, generally before they reach two years old. And one of the reasons Knickers isn’t killed now is that he is too big to fit through the butchering equipment.

His owner, Geoff Pearson, says Knickers has become the clear leader of his herd, which isn’t surprising because of how sweet and gentle Holstein cows are. He teaches his buddies the best spots for grazing and keeps them protected. However, Knickers’ leadership is going to end up making him very sad because he’s going to experience his beloved family members leaving and never coming back over and over again. Cows are known for forming incredibly strong bonds with their herds, so losing a cow is devastating for them. Knickers will always be wondering where his family is. It’s okay, though, because while he’s sad about his lost herd mates, his current herd is still all around him and they absolutely love him to death.

By Jane Brown

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