Bobbing for Cows; Man Saves Animal from Drowning after Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence was an incredibly powerful storm that devastated many homes. Humans were able to evacuate to avoid the storms, but what about all the animals? Well, in North Carolina, Mike Stura was driving his boat around in the floods looking for anyone he could help, and he happened upon a farm. Floating in the water, were lots of black objects that appeared to be drowned cows.

After getting a closer look, it was clear that the cows were alive and bobbing up and down in the water with no idea where to go. Mike steered his boat over towards them, which caused many of the cows to swim away in fear, but Mike was able to get close to one special cow. He reached over the edge of his boat and safely tied a rope around the cow’s head. He carefully dragged the cow through the water, holding her head above the water, until he could get to land.

Mike then put the cow into a trailer and drove her to the Skyland Animal Sanctuary in New Jersey. Mike’s heart was full when he pulled the trailer into the park and all the other cows ran up super excited to see their new sister. When he opened the trailer, the new cow jumped out, and all the other cows ran up to sniff her and welcome her. Mike noted that after only a few minutes he could visaby see how much his new cow had calmed down. Mike decided to name her Red, and she fit in with the family nicely.

After a few days, Red became very close with another cow there that also happened to have been rescued from a hurricane a year prior. Mike commented on how he thought this was very strange but also quite amazing how the cows could communicate with each other to say, “Hey I was swimming too.”

Through boat travel and trailer driving, Mike traveled over 600 miles to save Red from Hurricane Florence. Mike wished to save at least one life from the horrible disaster, and Red can now live knowing she’s safe.

By Jane Brown