Jake Bogartz: Backpacking Adventurer

In North Carolina, Jake Bogartz and his 8th-grade class went on an outdoor education trip. This trip is where Jake had one of his worst backpacking experiences. During the trip, he had fallen into a river, not once, but twice! However, the accident did not deter him from continuing to backpack and exploring the nature he loves. In fact, Jake has gone on many more trips following that one. Falling into a river multiple times was not fun at the time, but he now recalls the incident as very comical and entertaining.

More recently Jake visited Yellowstone National Park last summer.  Visiting Yellowstone is the farthest Jake has backpacked so far, but the park’s natural beauty has made it a personal favorite of his. This U.S. National Park is about 3,500 miles squared of wilderness. It’s located in Wyoming and parts of Montana and Idaho. Needless to say, it is really big. The park is home to many species of animals, canyons, and dense forests.  Growing up, Boy Scouts sparked Jake’s passion for backpacking and nature in general. As he grew older, he transitioned to the Galloway Outdoors Club. The group would go with nature guides and take hiking or backpacking trips in Georgia. As Well as going to observe the environment and bond with each other.

Jack points out that, “Backpacking is fun, but it isn’t only for enjoyment. Nature should be explored, but protected. Be careful”. Jake explains that during a backpacking trip you should not litter, pollute water or air, or leave chemicals that could harm the ecosystem. Taking care of nature should be a priority so you as well as others can backpack in a safe environment. Have fun, but be safe.

When asked what he would do if it wasn’t backpacking, Jake responded simply by saying he wouldn’t do anything else. If you love to explore nature or just to observe it, backpacking could be for you. Backpacking is also similar to camping and hiking, so if you love those, try backpacking! Jake shared how the materials are not expensive for beginners and some materials can often be found at home. Interviewing Jake has made me want to try or at least learn more about the backpacking. Jake simply states that “It’s just really fun”. Below is a short list of what you need to start your first backpacking adventure. Good luck!

  • Tent /Sleeping bag

  • Mini Stove

  • Dried/Quick prepare foods

  • Extra socks

  • A hiking backpack

  • A campground


By Jada Ryce

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