Cardi B Turns Herself In to Police

Cardi B, a world renowned rapper, turned herself into NYPD on Monday, October 1. She has been charged with two misdemeanors of reckless endangerment and one count of assault for an incident that took place in late August.

Cardi was allegedly throwing objects, including chairs and hookahs, around a club at three in the morning. According to police, two bartenders were assaulted in the process. The attorney representing the bartenders stated that “[Cardi B] thinks that her celebrity status puts her above the law… but reality is setting in, as justice does.”

Cardi B made headlines in September for a violent altercation with fellow rapper Nicki Minaj. At a New York Fashion Week party, Cardi allegedly launched towards Minaj. She was held back soon after and escorted out of the event. No charges were filed in this case, so no arrests were made. Cardi was very vocal on her Instagram about the event. The night of she posted a rant defending herself:

Image via Instagram

Image via Instagram

People have a lot to say about the more high-profile altercation between the two successful rappers. Fans have taken sides on social media and have done all they can to defend their beloved artists. They have even begun to make merchandise quoting her rant post saying “Nicki Stopped My Bag.”

Image via XXL Mag

Image via XXL Mag

This scandal has left the internet very heated. Lucky for Cardi B, this interaction has not done too much damage to her image. If anything these negative headlines have benefitted Cardi B’s career. Thanks to the platform she has, she is able to state her side and try and persuade the media her way.

By Vivi Melkonian