Baby Formula Shortage

Over the course of the last year, the United States has experienced supply chain issues that have affected the availability of many household products. The newest product to fall victim to supply chain shortage is baby formula. In addition to the supply chain problems, Abbott Nutrition, a baby formula manufacturer, was shut down in February due to safety concerns surrounding their formula. The plant was forced to close after many babies contracted illnesses and two died from contaminated formula. 

Researchers also cite early pandemic hysteria to this lack of formula. Since so many parents stocked up on the product in March and April of 2020, formula sales increased significantly and then dropped drastically as families who bought large supplies did not need to buy more formula for extended periods of time. Due to these unprecedented sales trends, formula companies were not able to gauge the amount of product they needed to produce. These factors have culminated to an alarming shortage of formula in the United States that has left many parents grappling for a solution. According to a recent statistic, 40% of baby formulas brands are unavailable at stores in the United States, compared to 2% just earlier this year. 

  This issue has become so serious that President Biden himself addressed it and promised he would stimulate efforts to increase formula production. Since 75% of babies drink formula to some extent in the first six months of their lives, the shortage of it has caused conservative outrage targeted at President Biden and other democrats with high political power. Democrats like Jen Psaki have encouraged parents to reach out to their children’s pediatrician to provide formula until more is available.

In the midst of this, retailers and pharmaceutical companies are placing limitations on the amount of baby formula allowed to be purchased at once. So even if parents are able to find some amount of formula, it is heavily limited. 

As this issue continues to develop, more parents across the country are beginning to worry about the health of their children. The White House will likely take more drastic action in the coming weeks if this trend continues. 

By Sawyer Sugarman