The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

On February 24th, 2022, Russian forces invaded Ukraine. As a result, over 2.5 million individuals have been forced to flee the country in search of refuge. Citizens of Ukraine have ended up in multiple different NATO countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania though many people are questioning if their loyalty will stay with Ukraine throughout the next few months. There is a large gender imbalance among the refugees who have left their home country, with the majority of refugees being women and children.

Europe’s response to the refugee crisis has been exceptional and plentiful. The United Kingdom has left no maximum on the number of refugees allowed in their camps. Commissioner Filippo Grandi of the UN Refugee Agency says that this is “the fastest-growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II.”  Poland has taken in over 1.8 million refugees from Ukraine within the past few weeks. 

The people of the countries that are taking in the refugees have been showing their kindness to the mothers of Ukraine. In Poland, people have been leaving strollers at the train stations for the mothers to take if needed. Other acts of kindness that have been shown in this refugee crisis have been from the United Kingdom. The UK will be giving hosts of refugees £350 per month as a thank you for their contributions. What is happening with Ukraine and Russia is truly heartbreaking, but it is good that other countries are taking initiative to alleviate this refugee crisis. If you are able to help these families, you can donate to organizations that were built to help and support refugees. Make other people aware of this crisis so it can be dealt with and solved. You can donate to organizations like the International Rescue Committee, UNHCR , Oxfam, and Doctors Without Borders.​​ They will be able to provide more healthcare and housing for those in need during this crisis.

By Kate Tocci

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