The New Girl Scout Cookie: Adventurfuls

With the Girl Scout Cookie season approaching, the excitement surrounding  fans favorites  such as Samoas and Thin Mints are on the rise. However, Girl Scouts have officially released a new Girl Scout cookie called Adventurefuls. This cookie consists of a brownie-like base with a dollop of caramel- créme in the center, finished off with a sprinkle of sea salt. I will be providing my honest review about the Adventureful cookie in order to reach audiences who will most likely enjoy it or should avoid it. 

When I first saw the cookie, it had a thin, chocolate coated bottom with chocolate stripes on top. When I tasted the cookie, I was expecting a soft texture considering it was a brownie-resembling cookie with caramel. On the contrary, the cookie was crunchy and the caramel créme dollop on top was hard. For people expecting a soft cookie, I wouldn’t recommend trying out the Adventurful cookie. However, in regards to taste, the cookie base had a rich chocolate flavor that balanced well with the caramel. If you’re a person who enjoys the classic chocolate/caramel combo, then checking out the Adventureful cookie is worth a try.

Overall, I personally liked the Adventureful cookie even though my hopes of a soft cookie were let down. I wouldn’t necessarily buy them again, considering I’m not a huge chocolate/ caramel fan, but I would overall rate the new Adventureful cookie a 7/10. 

By Kayla Beasley

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