The Best and Worst Outfits from Biden's Inauguration, Because That's the Important Part

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The 2021 Presidential inauguration was a monumental occasion in American history, filled with powerful speeches, poignant music, and some of this country’s most respected political leaders. Millions of Americans tuned in to watch the moment Joe Biden officially became the 46th President of the United States, but once that was over, viewers turned their attention to the most important part of the event, the fashion. The inauguration featured so many statement pieces, bold colors, and oversized mittens that I could hardly tear my eyes away from the screen.

Lucky for you, I’ve created a list of the best and worst-dressed attendees of the event because my opinion clearly matters so very much to all of you. 

Let’s start with the best dressed.

#5: Jennifer Lopez

JLo’s head-to-toe Chanel look was clean, classy, and captivating. It was just formal enough to fit in at a sophisticated event, yet fun enough to avoid looking arrogant. The only accessory I hated was her earrings. They looked like they were about to rip out of her ears while she was singing, which would not have been a pleasant experience for anyone. 

Aside from the distracting jewelry, this was an incredible outfit. 8/10

#4: Amanda Gorman

Gorman wore a bright yellow coat and a huge red headband while delivering her beautiful, moving poem. But all that I could really think about was how much she looked like Ronald McDonald––in a good way. Before Gorman spoke, I didn’t know that there even was a “good way” to look like the mascot of a global fast-food giant, but here we are. Her earrings really pulled this outfit together for me and added a sophisticated flair to the look.

When wearing mustard yellow, you have to go big or go home, and Amanda went big. Nicely done. 8/10

#3: Kamala Harris 

I absolutely adored the monochromatic looks that many of the women donned at the Inauguration, but Harris’s was one of the best. That deep, rich shade of purple complimented her complexion so well that it was hard to believe she was a politician and not an editor for Vogue. The look was so stunning in its simplicity that I feel like any additional elements would have ruined the whole thing. Huge props to Christopher John Rogers, who designed the Vice President’s coat and dress.

Some of you may think that this high rating is because I’m biased towards Kamala. You’re absolutely correct.  9/10

#2: Michele Obama

Purple was definitely the color of the day because Michelle Obama looked absolutely stunning in her merlot outfit that was so tasteful and mature it made everyone else look like they just stumbled out of a child’s birthday party. Michele’s beauty even overshadowed the presence of her husband. Quite a feat. Plus, Michelle’s large gold belt unified the look in such a satisfying way.

Overall, absolutely incredible (not that I was expecting anything else). 9.5/10

#1: Bernie Sanders

Of course, in first place, we have Bernie Sanders. His mittens were the statement piece that the world not only needed but deserved. The rest of his outfit was vastly more casual than anyone else’s, but that doesn’t even bother me because the mittens were just so exceptional. Not only were they made of recycled materials, but they were also made by a schoolteacher from his town. Absolutely incredible. But Bernie’s piece-de-resistance? His demeanor. No one can replicate Bernie’s personality, and that fact became clear to the world as Bernie stared down the proceedings with an expression of guileless impatience, like a man with work to do, dragged along to a garish party.

Stunning, breathtaking, exquisite. 11/10

Now that we have seen the best of the best, it’s time to take a look at the other side of the spectrum with the 5 worst outfits from the inauguration. 

#5: Ella Emhoff

First off, we have Ella Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s step-daughter, with her Miu Miu coat. Now, I’m aware that Emhoff’s outfit sparked quite a bit of discussion online, but I didn’t need to review it.  When it comes to Emhoff’s outfit, I am not a fan. Lots of people commented that her look was unique and different, showing us a style we don’t see every day. But honestly, I would’ve preferred never seeing this. The coat made her look like an early 1900’s school teacher, with slightly more sparkle. I know that she was not really in the spotlight of this event, but that is not an excuse to slack off.

Overall, not really my thing. 4/10

#4: Amy Klobuchar 

As I mentioned in the case of Amanda Gorman, I feel strongly that when wearing mustard yellow, one must either go big or go home. I think Klobuchar needs to return to Minnesota where people may find coats of that color more palatable. No bold jewelry, fancy hat, or vitality adorned this outfit; it was just a sad, mustard-yellow jacket. The only reason that Klobuchar is not lower on the list is that I appreciate the attempt at the “ketchup and mustard look” she made with her burgundy shirt, even though it failed.

Unfortunately for Klobuchar, I prefer my condiments on food. 3/10

#3: Joe Biden

This was the most important day of Joe Biden’s life, a day that will shape his future and that of the nation for years to come. On this incredibly important day, he could have given us something incredible, yet he gave us absolutely nothing. There was not one memorable aspect of his outfit that makes me think back and say, “Wow, Joe Biden has style.” Not one single part. He at least could’ve put on a fun tie or something, but no. I am far more upset about this lack of flair than I should be, but c’est la vie.

I’m not angry, just disappointed. 3/10

#2: Lady Gaga

In second-to-last place, we have Lady Gaga. Believe me, I hate myself for this ranking even more than you hate me. I will start by saying that I in no way disliked this outfit. It was very pretty and well made, and I appreciated its quality. My issue with this piece was not the outfit itself, but the fact that Lady Gaga was wearing it. I was fully expecting her to walk up wearing another meat dress, or 12-inch heels, or an obnoxiously sequined leotard, but no. Instead, we got some Hunger Games-looking plain dress on one of the most eccentric women in the country.  

We were robbed, America, robbed. Although it pains me to do this, 2/10

#1: Garth Brooks

Coming in dead-last, we have Garth Brooks. I would like to have a serious conversation with whoever styled this man. Who on Earth, other than Brooks, has the AUDACITY to wear BLUE JEANS to a PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION!? He walked up to the podium and my poor mother gasped, unable to contain her horror. I wanted to cover my eyes, to cover her eyes, but I found myself transfixed. I wanted to know what was going through Garth Brook’s mind at that moment, whether he regretted the decisions that led him to where he was, a celebrity performing at a Presidential inauguration, only to reveal his fathomless lack of taste. I am, for once in my life, at a loss for words.

If it weren’t for the cowboy hat, this score would be a zero. 0.5/10

May God rest his soul.

By Liza Tewari