Joe Biden is Dismantling Trump's Legacy One Executive Order at a Time

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Major changes are taking place in Joe Biden’s White House. In President Biden’s first 24 hours in office, he has already taken initiative to reverse many of the inhumane policies enacted by the Trump administration, moving faster than any other modern president to issue new executive orders counteracting those of his predecessor. President Biden is clearly on a mission to dismantle Donald Trump’s legacy. Biden told reporters at the Oval office that “There is no time to start like today” and said that he would “start by keeping the promises [he] made to the American people.” Here is an overview of the 17 executive orders and agency directives President Biden initiated in his first moments as the 46th President of the United States of America. Things are looking up.


  • Biden has launched a “100-day Masking Challenge” in which he asks Americans to wear a medical mask anywhere outside of their homes in the effort to halt the exponential growth of Coronavirus cases in the United States. This initiative includes a new requirement of masks and social distancing in federal buildings and encourages state governors to pass the same regulations.

  • President Biden has reversed Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the World Health Organization and reinstated Dr. Anthony Fauci as the head of the United States’ Coronavirus task force. 

  • Biden has created a Cabinet position named the “COVID-19 Response Coordinator.” While this position has not yet been filled, this staff member will report directly to President Biden and manage the distribution of medical equipment and vaccines. 

While being hopeful has led often to disappointment in the past year, one can not help but feel optimistic about the future of America’s COVID-19 response in light of President Biden’s first round of measures.


  • One of the most significant agency directives President Biden has signed stipulates that the United States will rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, a legally binding agreement between 196 unions whose efforts are aimed to improve climate change. This process will take 30 days to complete. 

  • President Biden revoked a crucial permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. This 1,200-mile oil pipeline crossing the United States-Canada border would have added to the ever-increasing rates of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. If the proposal had not been canceled, this $8.5 billion project would have transported 830,000 barrels of crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska every day. 

Already, Biden has done more to prevent climate change than Trump did in four years!

Human Rights:

  • Under one of Biden’s orders, workplaces can no longer deny people jobs or services based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

  • Biden repealed the Trump Administration’s 1776 commission, a panel that essentially prevented public school students from receiving a more accurate portrayal of the history of slavery in America. Trump first created the 1776 commission in rebuttal the New York Time’s 1619 Project, which strives to teach American children a more accurate story of slavery in the U.S., a program Trump claimed to be “toxic propaganda.” 


  • President Biden has revoked the Muslim Travel Ban, an order put in place during Trump’s presidency that denied U.S. entry to travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. Biden has already directed the State Department to begin processing visas from the affected countries. 

  • Biden has reversed Trump’s expansion of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) within the country as well as along the U.S.–Mexico border. 

  • Biden paused construction of the border wall along the southern border of the United States. To do so, Biden terminated the national emergency declaration that allowed for the funding of the border wall. He is still determining how the remaining funding will be redirected. 

  • Biden has promised to “preserve and fortify DACA” after Trump’s attempt to end the policy was overturned by the Supreme Court.

  • Extends the period of removal from the United States for Liberians who have been in the United States for a long time until June 30th.  


  • Biden has extended the national moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. Under Trump’s rule, this was planned to remain January 31st, but Biden’s extension will be effective until at least March 31st. This means Americans who are struggling to pay rent will not be evicted from their homes until COVID-19 has calmed down. Additionally, this will decrease the negative economic impact of the pandemic. 

  • President Biden is also extending the delay in student loan payments until at least September 30th.

With these orders, Biden has already proved his dedication to improving the lives of Americans in the lower and middle classes.


  • Biden has issued an executive order reversing Trump’s “regulatory process executive orders” and has directed the head of the Office of Budget and Management to “modernize regulatory review” of executive orders. 

  • Undocumented immigrants will now be included in the nation’s census and the apportionment of congressional representatives. 

  • New executive branch employees, such as Cabinet secretaries and heads of executive departments, must now sign an ethics pledge before beginning work, stating they will work not for their personal benefit but will prioritize the independence of the Department of Justice.

President Biden plans to allot each day for the rest of January to a specific cause. 

  • Thursday: In Biden’s first full day in office, he is focusing on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

  • Friday: Biden will increase economic relief, and more specifically, pursue the restoration of safety net programs such as Medicaid and unemployment insurance 

  • Monday: Biden will Increase regulatory requirements for government purchases of goods from US companies.

  • Tuesday: Biden will sign multiple executive orders targeted at creating equity in criminal sentencing and decreasing the share of private prisons in the U.S.

  • Wednesday: Biden will promote a Climate change initiative to “reestablish the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.”

  • Thursday: Biden will focus on healthcare and more specifically eliminating the blockage for government funding for nongovernmental organizations that offer abortions.

  • Friday: Biden will address immigration services, specifically creating a task team dedicated to reconnecting families separated at the border. 

Biden will devote the entire month of February to “restoring America’s place in the world.”

Biden’s work to reverse many of the Trump Administration’s policies has just begun, and he has already taken action on many of his central campaign promises in this early window.

By Ruby Kaufman