What to do While in Quarantine

Coronavirus. This word has been everywhere for the past few weeks. It is scary but what can we do? We can’t go to restaurants or hang out with friends and most of us are bored out of our minds. I’ve made a list of things to do while in quarantine to try to pass the time and have fun.

Watch shows or movies to pass the excruciating amount of downtime we have.

I have been watching a lot of great shows recently, such as I Am Not Okay With This, Spinning Out, Haunting of Hill House, and Don’t F**k with Cats. Some great movies I just finished are The Ring, The Blair Witch Project, Child’s Play, and A Simple Favor.

Take up photography.

You can take pictures of anything with your phone! Make it cool. You could take pictures of your pets or plants. Then edit those pictures with an app! You can get your family members to participate too. Just remember: Stay at home!

Bake mouth-watering treats.

I have made banana bread, brownies, and cake to pass the time! 

Journal or write.

This is a stressful time and what helps me cope with the stress is journaling or writing! You could write about feelings or how your day has been. Take your time and put some effort into, time is on your side.

Read. Read! READ!

I am a big reader but I know that’s not the case for everyone. Reading is an amazing way to pass time because you get sucked into the book and hours fly by! Here are a few great books that kept my attention the whole time!