The Staff v. Student Game Was a Slam Dunk


Last Friday, the first faculty vs. students game in six years took place during the halftime of the varsity boys’ game, and people were out of their seats in excitement.  No matter which side you were rooting for, the overall consensus throughout the crowd and the players was that at least one of the two teams was going to win, and as it turns out, they were right.  The faculty team was comprised of Mr. Diaz-Williamson, Mr. Foreman, Mr. Martinez, Mr. Long, Dr. Holt, Mr. Watson, Mr. Eugia and Ms. Sanders. The staff won 6-0 with Mr. Diaz-Williams (D.W.), Mr. Foreman, and Mr. Martinez each scoring two pointers. While skill was involved, the win can also be largely credited to the overall support from the crowds for the teachers. Multiple times a “Let’s go teachers!” chant broke out.


Some notable points in the game included Vic’s impressive dribbling, which captured and stunned the audience. What Ms. Sander’s lacked in skill, she made up for in spirit, with her go get em’ attitude, which was a nice addition to the game. In a post-game interview, she commented that she was feeling, “Er-um--Righteous!” Mr. Foreman played an all-around solid game. When he shot and scored, the crowd went crazy chanting, “Mr. Foreman! Mr. Foreman!” Despite the crowd’s continuous support, he still joked about  withholding a few diplomas at the end of the year due to some “foul play.” Also, in a surprise turn of events, Mr. Clark dressed up like a shark and roused the crowd. When asked about how he was feeling he simply responded very loudly, “HAWT.”


While the girls and boys varsity teams suffered losses earlier in the evening, the halftime faculty-student match offered a ray of light by giving Galloway an opportunity to win. Even if it was against ourselves.

By Lawton Jordan