Prince Harry and Megan Say Bye to Royal Life

“I will continue to be the same man who holds his country dear and dedicates his life to supporting the causes, charities, and military communities that are so important to me. Together, you have given me an education about living. And this role has taught me more about what is right and just than I could have ever imagined. We are taking a leap of faith — thank you for giving me the courage to take this next step."


With attention and the spotlight constantly on the royal family, Harry and Meghan wanted to break away from being royals to live a normal and peaceful life without the overwhelming critiques and judgments from the British press. The Press is always focused and writing about Harry and Meghan’s every move: Do they look too fat, too skinny, too lazy? Moreover, by stepping down from the royal family, Harry and Meghan are losing their royal titles. They also are no longer accepting public funding. In Harry’s announcements about officially leaving the royal family, he “made clear… that [they’re] not walking away from [the public]. Our hope was to continue serving the Queen, the Commonwealth, and my military associations, but without public funding. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible.”He also spoke about how the “media is a powerful force” and that it “is so much bigger than us.” This displays how social media, especially the press, has a large impact on celebrities and society.

Some people would say that Meghan and Harry leaving the royal family is ironic because of Brexit going on at the same time. Megan and Harry’s decision has even become known as “Megxit” for many people. Brexit is about Britain wanting to leave the European Union, while Megxit is about one of the most famous royal couples wanting to leave Britain. Because Brexit is temporarily pacified because of Mr. Johnson’s victory, Harry and Meghan have somewhat become a substitute. They have allowed people to argue about class, gender, British identity, and race in much of the same way the Brexit has prompted people to do. Now that Megan and Harry have decided to officially step back from their royal duties, many are questioning what this says about Britain and what this means for Britain’s future.