If Only The World Was Full of Kristen Bells


You may know her as Anna from Frozen, Sarah Marshall from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, or Eleanor from The Good Place, but Kristen Bell is more than just a spectacular actress with vocal chords of pure gold. Having supported or worked alongside over twenty-five charitable institutions at various points in her prolific career, the star uses her platform to spread as much kindness and inspiration as she can. In fact, it is her “goal in life to spread more joy and decrease suffering.”

For Bell, acting is simply the way that she finances all of her different humanitarian efforts, as she views philanthropy as her true job. From co-founding This Bar Saves Lives, a food company that sells healthy snack bars in order to support world aid organizations and fight malnutrition, to devoting her thirtieth birthday to raising money for Charity: Water, an organization that brings clean water to impoverished countries, Bell is truly making a difference.  Not only is she fulfilling her life goal of reducing hardship in the world, but Kristen Bell is also setting a prime example of using fame for good. Instead of the typical self promotion or selfie that populate the social media accounts of too many celebrities to name, Bell uses her corner of social media to implore those following her to contribute to her heartwarming work. On her Instagram, you’ll find her participating in the #10FeaturedTeachers movement, which is a social media campaign that allows the public to crowdfund supplies for teachers who have an inadequate classroom budget. Bell posts the picture and story of a different teacher each day, linking to their Amazon wish lists in her Instagram bio. On her Facebook page, Bell created a fundraiser for Children’s Hospital Week that supports Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a donation based organization with 170 member hospitals that provides 32 million treatments to kids all over North America. On her Twitter, Bell posted about her partnership with the Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund, a United Nations organization that engages women to “prevent crises & accelerate peace,” on International Women’s Day.

The actress shared on her episode of Armchair Expert, a podcast created by her husband, Dax Shepard, that she finds it unfair that she makes so much money while others in the world live in poverty and suffer. She even lays in bed at night, and instead of online shopping, looks through and donates to random GoFundMe accounts. There’s no doubt that Kristen Bell is a good samaritan, and it is people like her who restore my faith in humanity.

By Rose Sanders