How to Save the Environment? Cut Down on Plastic

The world is dealing with the ever growing issue of climate change. Plastic counts for almost twenty percent of the greenhouse gas effect. Only nine percent of the world’s plastic is recycled with the majority of plastics are not recyclable. Plastic normally takes 400 years to degrade in the meantime causing an incredible detriment to the environment. To combat this, you can help by reducing your plastic use. Try out these tips to help the planet from all the plastic!

Stop using plastic straws

More than 500,000 straws are used everyday in the United States. That's more than 182 million straws a year in the US alone. The short-lived tools end up in the ocean from being littered on the beach, blown out of trash cans, or washed down storm drains. Their small size gets animals confused on whether they’re food or not, and many animals choke on the straws. Reusable straws can be purchased on Amazon for very cheap.

Use reusable bags

Disposable shopping bags were introduced in the 1970s to make shopping easier. Nowadays, Americans go through an average six bags a week. That means 1.8 billion bags are discarded each week. You can customize a reusable bag to match your personality, if you’d like.

Give up gum

Gum is made from polyvinyl acetate, a plastic that's’ been shown to cause tumors in lab rats. After gum has been chewed, it ends up in the oceans from being flushed down toilets and washed down storm drains where animals end up eating the plastic. If you can’t go without gum, consider buying a plastic free version. Whole Foods and other natural grocers sell Simply Gum, a plastic-free gum base and packaging.

Carry a reusable water bottle

50 billion water bottles are used annually in the United States. Only 23 percent of the plastic bottles are recycled. Single use plastic bottles create mountains of waste that can be eliminated if you use a reusable water bottle.

Avoid disposable cutlery

A recent San Francisco Bay Area study found food and beverage packaging made up 67 percent of all litter on the streets. Only 6 percent of all plastic waste is recycled. By switching out a plastic spoon for a reusable spoon, you can help stop 6 million tons of plastic silverware from going to the landfill.

Skip the disposable razor

2 billion plastic razors are thrown away each year in the US. Picking up a reusable razor not only saves the environment but also your wallet. You can also grab an electric razor that’ll help you save money since you can shave without gel, cream, or lotion.

Get plastic off your face

Many face products contain exfoliation beads that are made from plastic. These plastic beads end up in the ocean and absorb the toxins in the water. Fish are then prone to ingesting these toxins. Switching to plastic free beauty products will allow you to save the ocean while still taking care of yourself.

Grow your own food

The fruits and vegetables you buy at the grocery store come in plastic packaging. Plant your own fruits and vegetables to help eliminate the amount of plastic waste you produce from eating. While this isn’t the most practical option, it’ll help you save the planet.

Bring your own thermos to the coffee shop

Less than 2 percent of Starbucks customers bring their own mugs to Starbucks. Bringing your own thermos to the coffee shop will let you rock a cup of joe with your style all over it. Coffee shops often give discounts to those who bring their own cups so you can save some cha ching too.

It only takes doing one thing to help the planet. Let me know which tips you decide to implement in your daily life!

By Sophie Kieffer