Elizabeth Warren Starts 2020 Presidential Campaign with a Bang


Elizabeth Warren recently announced her bid for the 2020 presidential race. On her first full day of campaigning, February 10, she made a stunning claim at her rally. Previously, Warren had remained relatively passive in that she would not address Trump directly, but at this rally she stated, “By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president. In fact, he may not even be a free person.” When reporters later questioned her about the comment she said that the Russia investigation was too sketchy to dismiss. She said that the investigations were “everywhere,” but we would need to wait to see the outcome.

Warren was clear that she thought impeachment was possible but not without seeing the rest of the Mueller investigation findings. She has repeatedly called Trump out for being racist and says that we are at a “dangerous moment” in our country. Her attitude in this campaign is very straightforward and focused on attacking Trump. She addressed the racist, hateful tone of his tweets, and says in order to avoid complete division within the country, people need to rise above and disengage in this behavior.

Warren has been very active responding to Trump’s tweets in the past few weeks, but as her campaign ramps up, she vowed to not respond at such a high volume. During the government shutdown, she was especially vocal about her displeasure with the President. Being that this was her first official day of campaigning, she used it primarily to lay out her broader attitude towards her road to the White House. As the campaign season continues, we will be able to see how Warren chooses to execute her strategies and if they make her a leading candidate.