Dylan Steinfeld: A Passion for Sports

Many people have something that keeps them going, for Dylan Steinfeld, that passion is sports. A lot of this influence comes from his dad who played soccer and hockey in highschool. Additionally, his mom went to the University of Oregon (a big sports school). The combination of these interests led to Dylan’s love for sports. More specifically, his dad’s hockey career was passed down resulting in Dylan’s love for playing hockey. However, what really gets Dylan out of bed is basketball.

Starting at the early age of five, Dylan has always loved playing basketball. Initially, playing for his recreational league at his Temple, he went on to play for many leagues, including travel leagues, Galloway, TSF, Top Notch, and hopefully in the future, to play for a college team as well. His most memorable experiences on a team were with his Temple Beth Am league, where he and his teammates went on to win the Championship that season, which ended up boosting his passion for the sport. But, with winning comes practice to improve, which Dylan still constantly does. He plays all the time and consistently stays three-plus hours after long days of school just to get better. When asked what it is about basketball he loves so much, he responded, “[it’s] the brotherhood with your teammates, the competitive feeling of it, the last shot, the intensity of the game, everything about it.” It’s not just playing basketball that draws him to the sport; Dylan also follows the pros, with many favorites as well. His favorite teams are the Miami Heat (due to growing up in Miami) and the Atlanta Hawks, since he now resides in Atlanta. It’s clear that Dylan will be sticking with basketball for quite some time.

What does the future look like for Dylan Steinfeld? While hoping to play for the NBA one day, he’s looking forward to keeping his career sports-related, regardless of whether he makes it to the big leagues or not. Whether that’s being a journalist, reporter, or something else entirely, he hopes to keep sports as an integral part of his life.

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