Kathryn's Travels


Since before she could walk, Kathryn Pope was traveling. Before she turned one, Kathryn visited both St. Simons Island and Florida. Ever since then, her love of travel has only grown. She has seen a variety of destinations, both within the United States and internationally. Kathryn enjoys traveling to experience new cultures and places and to spend time with her family. By the age of 16, she had visited both Paris and Rome, two of the most popular tourist destinations.  Both of these cities are on many people’s travel bucket lists due to their unique culture, architecture, art, and history. However, Kathryn did not like either city because they were “very dirty and [she] would have rather been at the beach.” This realization may have led Kathryn right back to where her travels started: tropical destinations.

With Turks and Caicos, Dauphin Island, and Santorini, Greece ranking the highest of all of the places she’s visited, it’s clear she prefers to be at the beach. The only tropical place that Kathryn hasn’t enjoyed was Cozumel in Mexico because she was afraid of the fish she encountered while snorkeling. This winter, Kathryn is traveling to Australia and New Zealand, adding two more destinations to her list and hopefully the fish don’t get in her way.

Whether in a city or on the coast, Kathryn has gained a lot more from travel than just a vacation or an escape. Experiencing new places and cultures has given Kathryn a new lens to see the world through, and she looks forward to many future travels.

By Jake Bogartz

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