"I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration" TL;DR

Written by a “senior official in the Trump administration,” this Op-Ed published by the New York Times on September 5th alleges that Donald Trump is a destructive force in the White House, but some of the officials in his cabinet are working to thwart his erratic agenda.

The New York Times prefaced the publication of this piece with a paragraph explaining why they could not reveal its author. The cabinet member to publish his opinion contends that the revelation of his identity would cost him his job and his reputation. In the current divisive political climate, the publication of this Op-Ed has catalyzed a wild goose chase to determine the identity of the bold cabinet official.

The publication of this article was closely followed by the release of a new book by Bob Woodward, a former reporter now editor at the Washington Post, called Fear: Trump in the White House. President Trump didn’t take to either of these events well, and he made sure the world knew about it by his incessant tweeting.

The author criticizes Trump’s un-republican ideals, saying that “although he was elected as a Republican, the president shows little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.” The author of the Op-Ed wants America to succeed, and he believes that it will, but that will be despite and not because of Mr. Trump’s leadership. He concludes his writing on a hopeful note, saying that we as Americans will unite under our common identity as patriots to make our country better and to do what President Trump cannot.