Can I get a 1ets 9o?

A distant, high-pitch voice disrupts Hamburger Pond’s tranquility as I approach my car, eyes lit, mouth grinning, after a successful day of senior year, “Hey Ethan, can I get a let’s go?”

“Lets go…” I mumble, lifting my eyebrows.

My response was so faint an eager laugh bounced back at me as the girls approached, once again demanding, “Can I get a let’s go?”

It’s become sort of a mockery at this point, but one that I am sincerely proud of. It’s not often you see a senior class with the fiery spirit that ours has. Most groups would trudge toward the finish line, gasping and wheezing as school reaches peak difficulty; but, no, not the class of 2019. We attack challenges and throw ourselves full force into any obstacle that may dampen our final year of high school. Instead of giving up on the exhaust of our penultimate year, we take a step back and appreciate the phenomenal work we’ve done, admiring our growth, and reflecting on the humorous bits of our journey, using that energy to propel us towards the college mindset.

The idea came about on the Junior Retreat, when Ben Lyday devised Class of 2019 shirt slogan ideas. Ever since we wore them on the last day of junior year, the slogan has become much more than a logo on a shirt. It’s spark has grown into a raging movement. “Let’s Go!” is used not only as a rally cry, but also as a greeting, an epithet, and a call of attention; and it’s been over-utilized to the point that most can’t help but to associate its daily use to the Class of 2019.

Sure, 2020 may employ “Flik 20 Cheesy,” and 2035, “the B35T” but none will outshine the power of unity embedded within “1et’s 9o.”

By Ethan Hartz

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