Amy Schumer Annouces Pregnancy

Typically, celebrities announce pregnancies in cliche ways, usually with a tweet or post. Comedian Amy Schumer, however, stayed true to her character as always and stepped outside the box as she revealed to the world that she is pregnant with her first child.

Jessica Yellin, former CNN chief White House correspondent, posted a video on her Instagram story prompting her followers to check out a screenshot of all of Amy Schumer’s picks for midterms elections coming up. She encouraged that followers read all the way through to the bottom of the following page and to be looking for an announcement.

At first, the picture seems to be a simple list of who Schumer wants to win in each state, but, at the bottom, the page reads “I’m pregnant - Amy Schumer”.

Schumer then tweeted a screenshot of Yellin’s story and tweeted it with the humorously simple caption “News”. This “news” broke immediately.

In a statement to Time, she joked that “Chris [Fisher]and I are thrilled and almost positive he's the father.” Schumer also added that she looks forward to competing with Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle, as she and Prince Harry announced their pregnancy recently as well.

This will be Schumer’s first child with husband Chris Fisher and already the jokes have begun about the morning sickness she’s experiencing.

It will surely be a joy to watch Amy Schumer share the ups and downs of motherhood with her great wit in the years to come. We can only predict the clever way she will announce the next big milestone of pregnancy: the baby’s gender.

By Annie Levy
