Galloway Life Hacks: Your Guide to the Minor Inconveniences and Major Merits of Galloway Student Life

Your Guide to the Minor Inconveniences and Major Merits of Galloway Student Life

First Edition - Flik

This series provides all the details you need to conquer everyday life at the Galloway school. It’ll cover everything from the most (and least) functional water fountains, to how you can find your version of success in Galloway’s chaotic and enriching environment. This edition is dedicated towards improving your experience at our phenomenal school dining company, Flik.

Flik Hack #1 - Soup

This is what the soup station looks like.

This is what the soup station looks like.

Try the soup. I promise you won’t regret it. Yes, sometimes we’re left with our jaws dropped at the expectation to consume creamy, off-white mush they call “Clam Chowder” (2/10), but in reality we should not be turned away from Flik’s soup offerings. After two years of embracing the don’t-judge-a- book-by-its-cover strategy in relation to Flik soup, I’ve realized that most flavors are not half bad: bearable, at least. Most times, closing your eyes and diving into the gooey glory of soups like Beef Barley (9/10) or Potato Soup (7/10) is worth a shot.  Below you’ll find an abbreviated list of Flik’s soups and my personal rating of them. But don’t get too excited, my bar is low.

French Onion Soup - (7/10) Miso Soup - (8/10) Chicken Noodle Soup (7/10) Broccoli Cheese Soup - (6/10) Tortilla Soup - (6/10) Beef Stew - (8/10)

Flik Hack #2 - Milk

The milk is underrated. Most times we skip right past the spout on the far right, thinking “why get normal milk, when you could enjoy the fruits of a chocolate cow just another step further?” Next time, I encourage you to stop, admire the Scots milk logo posted above the drinks, and taste the deluxe 2% milk (9/10) Flik has to offer. Also, those water-fruit mixes (3/10) are occasionally worth trying, though often dangerous.

Flik Hack #3 - Waste


That bin, conveniently located between the Landfill and Recycling is also a trash can. Don’t forget it. If the guilt-invoking Landfill on the right is full, or not appealing, feel free to use the unlabeled bin to its left. It works just the same. [See Figure To The Right] Furthermore, do your best to recycle (and eventually compost). At Galloway, we do our part to minimize our footprint, and one way to do that is to keep ourselves informed of what can be reused, like utensils at Flik! Try setting ‘em aside for tomorrow, I promise they won’t rot overnight.

Flik Hack #4 - The Squad

This is Chris, the head of your Flik super team, and that is your Flik aficionado. Know ‘em, love ‘em. Seriously, our supporters at Flik nourish our minds, bodies, and spirits, by cooking delicious lunches every day at school, and they deserve the world for it.

Make sure you thank your phenomenal Flik servers every time you grab lunch. They make it easy and efficient, providing a wide variety of dishes for us to enjoy throughout the year. Also, don’t hesitate to call them by name and engage in conversation; they are awesome people too. (Hint - Ask Chris what his secret talent is.)

This is our hero.

This is our hero.

Flik Hack #6 - Your Personal Guide

The chump eating.

The chump eating.

Also, that is Nolan Shields. He is precise in criticizing and evaluating Flik’s creations, especially the ones we mistakenly avoid. Talk to him about recommendations and tricks that can be used to strengthen the meals or gear them towards your taste.

Make sure to tune in next month for Part 2, where you can learn to overcome the minute obstacles that make every day that much harder.

By Ethan Hartz

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