Woman Comes Forward With Rape Allegations About Cristiano Ronaldo

Due to the recent surfacing of rape allegations from an incident in 2009, world famous soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo has been restricted from playing with the Portugal National Team for the next month. Ronaldo's accuser is a woman named Kathryn Mayorga, a 34-year-old formal model who claims Ronaldo raped her in a Las Vegas Casino. In her report, she stated that at the time she refused several times to have intercourse, and he responded by saying “Sorry, I'm usually a gentleman” before attacking.

At the time of the 2009 incident, the authorities claimed Mayorga did not provide them with a suspect or incident description. However, a medical exam was conducted at the time, and now the case has been reopened because of her coming forward with an assaulter. Mayorga is currently seeking $200,000 in damages and has filed a lawsuit to terminate a $375,000 non-disclosure she claims she was tricked into signing.

Ronaldo has denied the rape allegations on Instagram, calling the incident more reports of “fake news.” He also claims, via Twitter, that “rape is an abominable crime that goes against everything that I am and believe in.".

Despite his denial, sponsors like Nike and EA Sports are expressing a lot of concern. In fact, Nike called the allegations “disturbing”; on the other hand, Ronaldo’s other soccer team, Juventus F.C., an Italian professional soccer club has responded differently.

Via Twitter, the club expressed how Ronaldo has exhibited great professionalism in his career as a player and they do not think differently of him and neither should anyone who knows him.

By Jada Ryce