Do You Actually Know Tillman Minter?

The first thing I learned about Tillman was that he had a YouTube channel. He seemed to be known to everybody as the guy who made videos. After watching these videos and non-stop laughing, I had a pretty good idea about who Tillman was. Based on the amount of videos on his channel and the thought put into them, my favorite series being Fort Pier, I believed that Tillman was an aspiring filmmaker.

That’s why I initially thought this profile was going to focus on Tillman and his love for film, so I planned out my interview with several questions about filmmaking, only to find out Tillman is not as into it as he used to be. After talking about several of his movies, Tillman told me, “I don’t really do movie stuff anymore, it’s mainly all the music.” This effectively switched the topic to Tillman’s singing career, though he wouldn’t call it a career at this point.

Attempting to get more of a background on Tillman’s love for singing, I asked him when he knew he could sing and he responded, “Oh god! I didn’t know we were getting into this.” He proceeded to explain that he was in the Atlanta Boy Choir and the Georgia Boy Choir for a total of seven years. I commented on how long of a time that is and, unexpectedly, Tillman said, “It was terrible. I hated it. I hated it.” I was shocked that something Tillman absolutely despised could turn into the thing he is most passionate about now.

Momentarily diving deeper, Tillman told me, “As a little kid I just wanted to play sports and do all the things everyone else was doing, but I was just singing.” I wondered how Tillman could possibly be a singer/songwriter now if he not only hated it, but wanted to be doing something else. To clear things up Tillman said, “I didn’t actually want to be playing sports, but in hindsight I probably should’ve because now I’m not the slightest bit athletic.”

While sports has never really been Tillman’s thing, he has been in many short-lived, but idolized, bands, including fan-favorite Elastic Limit, and knowing this I should have realized the huge part that music plays in Tillman’s life. Due to member conflict and commitment, Tillman strayed away from the band path of his singer/songwriter career and is now becoming more of an independent artist. Tillman writes, sings, plays, and records his own music; he has released five songs on SoundCloud, with one song, Strawberry Dreams, earning a total 12.1K listens.

Tillman is truly dedicated to his work as a music artist and has proven it through all the time he has spent and hard work he has gone through to produce incredible songs. However, in the next year I may find myself in the same situation, left shocked all over again to find out Tillman is not only passionate about music but pursuing his lesser known passion of becoming a professional daredevil. No matter what, I believe we’re all ready to support his versatile career whichever direction it may turn next.

By Jane Brown
